Akademik Birim: |
Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu |
Öğrenim Türü: |
Örgün Eğitim |
Ön Koşullar |
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Öğrenim Dili: |
Türkçe |
Dersin Düzeyi: |
Lisans |
Dersin Koordinatörü: |
- - |
Dersin Amacı: |
Günlük düzeyde dil kullanımı, Alman kültürü ve toplumu hakkında bilgi edinilmesi |
Dersin İçeriği: |
Almanca dil bilgisi ve telafuzu, sözlü ve yazılı Almanca arasındaki fark. |
Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları (ÖÇ): |
- 1- A1 dil seviyesine ulaşmak
- 2- Günlük hayatta kendini ifade edebilmek
- 3- Soruları sormak ve cevaplamak, adres, yön, zaman ve hava hakkında bilgi verebilmek
- 4- Almanya'nın kültürel ve sosyal özelliklerini öğrenmek
Dersin Öğrenme Yöntem ve Teknikleri |
Etkileşimler, diyalog, konuşma etkinlikleri, Öğretmen tarafından hazırlanmış ve öğrencinin özel ihtiyaçlarına göre uyarlanmış ders kitaplarından ve çalışma kağıtlarından alıntılar. |
Hafta | Konular | Ön Hazırlık |
1 |
General Expressions: how to introduce yourself, how to greet and welcome people. “Der/Die/Das/” as a characteristic of German language |
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2 |
The difference between “Du” and “Sie” - The conjugation of the word “sein” (to be), asking simple questions about times and places |
Studying a specially prepared worksheet |
3 |
Personal pronouns, the conjungation of regular verbs in Present Tense, Questions Words |
Studying a specially prepared worksheet |
4 |
The accusative and dative cases and its use with regard to personal pronouns – The German verbs “mögen” and “möchten” (“like” and “want”, Possessive pronouns |
Homework: Students had to put themselves in the everyday life of an Ersamus students with the regard to the question: what do you really want or have to say, which expressions are useful or even necessary? |
5 |
The use of the German word “man”, Clock time, Contrasts like “good” and “bad”, “cheap”, “expensive” etc. |
A small test about the previous lessons and studying a specially prepared worksheet |
6 |
The verb “brauchen” (to need), seperable verbs, with and without, the German plural |
Studying a specially prepared worksheet |
7 |
The verb “sein” (to be) in Past tense, Repetition of the previous learning material |
Studying a specially prepared worksheet and a small test |
8 |
Colours, Präpositions, the difference between written and spoken German using the example of the verb “sehen” (to see) |
Studying a specially prepared worksheet |
9 |
“Nicht “oder “kein” (not or no), Questions words, Accusative and Dative objects, Imperativ, Gestern (yesterday), heute (today), morgen (Tomorrow) |
Studying a specially prepared worksheet |
10 |
Repetition and deepening the use of prepositions, The most common mistakes in German Languages |
Studying a specially prepared worksheet and a picture story about prepositions |
11 |
Repetition and deepening use of seperable verbs in Present and Past tense |
Making sentences from single words as a homework |
12 |
Auxiliary Verbs, Causal sentencen, conjunctions (“schon”, “erst”, “noch nicht”, “nicht mehr”) |
Studying a specially prepared worksheet |
13 |
Comparative, Building short sentences with Akkusative and Dative Objects |
Studying a specially prepared worksheets |
14 |
Sentence Structure, Repetition and Deepening of conjungtions |
A small test, an exercise from a typical German Textbook |
Kadir Has Üniversitesi'nde bir dönem 14 haftadır, 15. ve 16. hafta sınav haftalarıdır.
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PY1 |
PY2 |
PY3 |
PY4 |
PY5 |
PY6 |
PY7 |
PY8 |
OC1 |
OC2 |
OC3 |
OC4 |
Katkı Düzeyi: 1 Düşük, 2 Orta, 3 Yüksek