Hafta | Konular | Ön Hazırlık |
1 |
Ekonomik kalkınma sürecinin tarihsel arka planı Neden Bazı Ülkeler Daha Zengin, Bazıları İse Daha Yoksuldur? |
*Jones, C. I. (2001). Was an industrial revolution inevitable? Economic growth over the very long run. The BE Journal of Macroeconomics, 1(2), 153460131028. *Ray, D. (2010). Uneven growth: A framework for research in development economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(3), 45-60. *Angus, M. (2006). Development centre studies the world economy volume 1: A millennial perspective and volume 2: historical statistics: Volume 1: A millennial perspective and volume 2: Historical statistics. OECD Publishing. |
2 |
Ekonomik büyümeyi anlamaya giriş: Kavramlar, ölçüm ve “stilize olgular” |
Jones, C. I. (1998). Introduction to economic growth. Chp1 |
3 |
Solow Modeli |
*Jones, C. I. (1998). Introduction to economic growth. Chp2 *Acemoglu, Daron (2009) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press. Isbn: 9780691132921, Chp. 2 Readings: *Solow, Robert, (1970) Growth Theory: An Exposition, Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK. *Mankiw, N. Gregory, David Romer, and David N. Weil (1992) ìA Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth,îQuarterly Journal of Economics 107, #2, 407-37. |
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Neoklasik Büyüme Teorisi |
Jones (2002) op. cit. Chp 3; Acemoglu, Daron (2009) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press. Isbn: 9780691132921, Chp. 2. Opsiyonel Barro, R.J. & X. Sala-i Martin (1995) Economic Growth, New York: McGraw Hill. Chapter 2. |
5 |
Neoklasik Büyüme Teorisi |
Jones (2002) op. cit. Chp 3; Acemoglu, Daron (2009) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press. Isbn: 9780691132921, Chp. 2. Opsiyonel Barro, R.J. & X. Sala-i Martin (1995) Economic Growth, New York: McGraw Hill. Chapter 2. |
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Neoklasik Büyüme Teorisi |
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Neoklasik Büyüme Teorisi |
Jones (2002) op. cit. Chp 3; Acemoglu, Daron (2009) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press. Isbn: 9780691132921, Chp. 2. Opsiyonel Barro, R.J. & X. Sala-i Martin (1995) Economic Growth, New York: McGraw Hill. Chapter 2. |
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Ekonomik Kalkınma Teorileri (i) Keynesian Economics (ii) Neoliberalism |
Richard Peet and Elaine Hartwick (2009), Theories of Development: Contentions, Arguments, Alternatives, 2 nd Edition, The Guilford Press, Chp. 3 |
9 |
Nonconventional, Critical Theories |
Richard Peet and Elaine Hartwick (2009), Theories of Development: Contentions, Arguments, Alternatives, 2 nd Edition, The Guilford Press, Chp. 5 Opsiyonel Wallerstein, I. (1974) “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis ” , Comparative Studies in Society and History , Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 387 - 415 . |
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İçsel Büyüme teorileri |
Romer, Paul (1986) ìIncreasing Returns and Long-Run GrowthîJournal of Political Economy, 94, 1002-1037. Acemoglu, Daron (2009) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press. Isbn: 9780691132921, Chapters 10, 11, and 12. Opsiyonel Roberts, M., & Setterfield, M. (2007). What is endogenous growth theory. Economic Growth: New Directions in Theory and Policy, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 14-31. |
11 |
İçsel Büyüme teorileri |
Romer, Paul (1986) ìIncreasing Returns and Long-Run GrowthîJournal of Political Economy, 94, 1002-1037. Acemoglu, Daron (2009) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press. Isbn: 9780691132921, Chapters 10, 11, and 12. Opsiyonel Roberts, M., & Setterfield, M. (2007). What is endogenous growth theory. Economic Growth: New Directions in Theory and Policy, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 14-31. |
12 |
Büyüme ve kalkınma iktisadında güncel sorunlar |
*İklim değişikliği *Gelir eşitsizliği *Cinsiyet eşitsizliği |
13 |
Büyüme ve kalkınma iktisadında güncel sorunlar |
*İklim değişikliği *Gelir eşitsizliği *Cinsiyet eşitsizliği |
14 |
Proje 2 – Öğrenci Sunumları & Değerlendirme |
Kadir Has Üniversitesi'nde bir dönem 14 haftadır, 15. ve 16. hafta sınav haftalarıdır.
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