Akademik Birim: |
Uluslararası Ticaret ve Finansman |
Öğrenim Türü: |
Örgün Eğitim |
Ön Koşullar |
yok |
Öğrenim Dili: |
İngilizce |
Dersin Düzeyi: |
Lisans |
Dersin Koordinatörü: |
- - |
Dersin Amacı: |
1. to make the students familiar with main issues related with international trade,
2. to teach the basic theories and models of international trade,
3. to teach the most common methods of financing international trade. |
Dersin İçeriği: |
This course provides the students with a sound understanding of the international trade issues. After going over the basic theories and models of international trade, the methods of financing international trade will be discussed. In order to give students an opportunity to practice the theories / models / topics discussed in class and apply them in analyzing real world issues, a term project will be assigned. |
Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları (ÖÇ): |
- 1- getting familiar with the main issues related with international trade
- 2- understanding the basic theories and models of international trade
- 3- learning the most common methods of financing international trade
- 4- being able to use the theories / models / topics discussed in class in analyzing the real world issues
- 5- being able to offer solutions to the contemporary and practical problems of international trade in today's world
Dersin Öğrenme Yöntem ve Teknikleri |
1. lectures,2. in-class discussions,3. student presentations of their term projects. |
Kadir Has Üniversitesi'nde bir dönem 14 haftadır, 15. ve 16. hafta sınav haftalarıdır.
# |
PY1 |
PY2 |
PY3 |
PY4 |
PY5 |
PY6 |
PY7 |
PY8 |
PY9 |
PY10 |
PY11 |
PY12 |
OC1 |
OC2 |
OC3 |
OC4 |
OC5 |
Katkı Düzeyi: 1 Düşük, 2 Orta, 3 Yüksek