Hafta | Konular | Ön Hazırlık |
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2000’e Giden Yol: İthal İkameci sanayileşme, Planlama dönemi;Türk iktisadi ve siyasi yaşamında 1980 Dönüşümü İthal ikameci sanayileşme dönemi; Türkiye’de popülizm ve devletçilik; 1974 petrol krizi ve sonrası; ikameci sanayileşmenin tıkanması ve 78/79 krizi; 1980 dönüşümü |
Yeldan, Erinç (2001) Küreselleşme Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisi: Bölüşüm. Birikim. Büyüme, İstanbul: Iletişim Yay. Duménil, G and D. Lévy (2006) “The Costs and Benefits of Neoliberalism: A Class Analysis” in Epstein Financialization and the Global Economy, Edward Elgar Press. Duménil, G and D. Lévy (2004) "The Real and Financial Components of Profitability (USA 1948-2000)", Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 36, pp. 82-110. Yeldan, Erinç (2009) “On the Nature and Causes of the Collapse of the Wealth of Nations, 2007/2008”, Journal of World Economy Review, 2009 Altuğ, S., A. Filiztekin and Ş. Pamuk. 2008. “Sources of long-term economic growth for Turkey, 1880-2005,” European Review of Economic History, 12, 393–430. Boratav, Korkut (1983) “Türkiye’de Popülizm, 1962-76” Yapıt, 46(1): 7-18. |
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1980-sonrası dışa açılım modelinin tıkanıklıkları: yatırım ve ihracat öncelikleri arasındaki uyumsuzluklar; 1980 sonrası Türkiye; İhracata yönelik sanayileşme; ücretlilerin konumu; dışa açılım reformlarının tıkanması ve reform yorgunluğu; 1989 finansal serbestleştirmesi; 32 sayılı karar |
Boratav, Korkut (1993) “State and Class in Turkey: A Study in Capitalist Development” Review of Radical Political Economics, 25(1): 129-147. Boratav, K. 2018. Türkiye İktisat Tarihi. İmge Yayınevi. Chapter VII. Akçay, Ü. & O. Türel. 2022. “Import-Substituting Industrialization Strategy and Planning Experience in Turkey, 1960–1980” in Özdemir, Y. & E. Özçelik (eds) Political Economy of Development in Turkey 1838 –Present. pp. 163-195 |
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1990’lar Türkiye’sinde kamu kesimi genel dengelerinin analizi; 1990 sonrasında Kamu borçlanma dinamikleri; kamu kesimi genel dengesine bakış; borç yükünün dağılımı |
Yeldan, Erinç (1995) “Surplus Creation and Extraction under Structural Adjustment: Turkey, 1980-1992” Review of Radical Political Economics, 27(2): 38-72, June. Boratav, Korkut, Oktar Türel ve Erinç Yeldan (1996) “Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment and Environmental Policies under Instability: Post-1980 Turkey” World Development, 24(2): 373-393. Öniş, Z. & F. Şenses. 2022. “Turkey’s Encounter with Neoliberal Globalization and the Logic of Washington Consensus, 1980–1990” in Özdemir, Y. & E. Özçelik (eds) Political Economy of Development in Turkey 1838 –Present. Öniş, Z. 2004. “Turgut Özal and his economic legacy: Turkish neo-liberalism in critical perspective,” Middle Eastern Studies, 40(4): 113-134. |
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Finansal serbestleştirme süreci; Kısa Vadeli sermaye girişlerine dayalı büyüme ve ulusal mali yapılarda kırılganlığın artışı; 1994 ve 1998 krizleri 1990 sonrasında finansal derinleşmenin nitelikleri; sermaye akımlarının etkileri; 1994 ve 1998 krizleri; merkez bankası politikalarının analizi |
Yeldan A. Erinç (2022) “The Era of Speculation-Led Growth and the 2001 Crisis, 1990–2001”. In: Özçelik E., Özdemir Y. (eds) Political Economy of Development in Turkey. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. Yeldan 2001 Chapter 5 Boratav, Korkut ve Erinç Yeldan (2006). “Turkey, 1980-2000: Financial Liberalization, Macroeconomic (In)-Stability, And Patterns of Distribution” Chp14 (pp. 417-455) in Lance Taylor (ed.) External Liberalization in Asia, Post-Socialist Europe and Brazil, Oxford University Press. Boratav, Korkut, Erinç Yeldan ve Ahmet Köse (2002) “Globalization, Distribution and Social Policy: Turkey, 1980-1998” in L. Taylor (ed) External Liberalization and Social Policy, London and New York: Oxford University Press. Metin-Özcan, Kıvılcım, Ebru Voyvoda ve Erinç Yeldan (2000) “Dynamics of Macroeconomic Adjustment in A Globalized Developing Economy: Growth, Accumulation and Distribution, Turkey 1969-1998” Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 22(1): 217-253 Cizre-Sakallıoğlu, Ümit ve E |
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2000 yılı dez-enflasyon programı ve istikrar arayışları Programın kuramsal yapısı ve resmi Niyet Mektubu metinleri 2000 yılı dez enflasyon programının kuramsal yapısı; IMF ile imzalanan Niyet Mektubu metinlerinin analizi; para programı; döviz kuru ve ödemeler dengesine parasalcı yaklaşım; yapısal reformlar |
Diaz-Alejandro, Carlos F. (1985) “Good-Bye Financial Repression, Hello Financial Crash” Journal of Development Economics, 19(1-2): 1-24, February. Yeldan 2001: chapter 6 and 7 Ertuğrul A. ve Yeldan, E. (2003) “On the Structural Weaknesses of the Post-1999 Turkish Dis-inflation Program”, Turkish Studies Quarterly, 4(2): 53-67. Yeldan, E. (2002) ‘On the IMF-directed disinflation program in Turkey: A program for stabilization and austerity or a recipe for impoverishment and financial chaos?’ in N. Balkan and S. Savran (ed.s) The Ravages of Neo-Liberalism: Economy, Society and Gender in Turkey, New York: Nova Science Pub. Amadeo, (1996) “The Knife-Edge of Exchange Rate Based Stabilization Impacts on Growth, Employment and Wages” in UNCTAD Review, No 1. (Geneva, UNCTAD) |
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2001 Krizi; boyutları ve kriz sürecinde makroekonomik uyum mekanizmaları 2001 krizine giden süreç; döviz kuruna dayalı dezenlasyon; kamu kesiminin 2001 krizindeki rolü; 2000 programının işleyişi ve kuramsal sorunları; kriz sonrasında makroekonomik uyum |
Akyüz, Y. and Boratav, K. (2003) “The Making of the Turkish Crisis” World Development 31(9): 1549-1566. Alper, Emre and Öniş, Ziya (2003) “Emerging Market Crises and the IMF: Rethinking the Role of the IMF in the Light of Turkey's 2000-2001 Financial Crises”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 24(2): 255-272. Orhangazi, Ö. 2002. “Turkey: Bankruptcy of neoliberal policies and possibility of alternatives” Review of Radical Political Economics, 34(3): 335-341 Dufour, M. and Ö. Orhangazi. 2009. “The 2000-01 financial crisis in Turkey: a crisis for whom?” Review of Political Economy, 21(1): 101-122. |
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2001 krizi sonrası yeni iktisadi kurumlar; yapısal reformlar; 2001 sonrası makroekonomik uyum; Güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programı; yeni-IMF programı; faiz dışı fazla yaratmayı amaçlayan maliye politikaları; |
Bağımsız Sosyal Bilimciler (2008) 2008 Yol Ayırımında Türkiye, Yordam Kitap Bağımsız Sosyal Bilimciler (2006) IMF İle 10 uzun Yıl: Farklı Hükümetler, Tek Siyaset; Yordam Kitap. |
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Sınıf içi proje çalışması |
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Bağımsız merkez bankacılığı ve enflasyon hedeflemesi; Türkiye ve dünyadaki uygulamaları; 2001 sonrasında para politikası, kur ve faizlerin gelişimi Merkez bankası bağımsızlığı kavramı; enflasyon hedeflemesi, kur rejimi; enflasyon hedeflemesinin alternatifleri; faiz yumuşatması rejimi ve özellikler |
Batini, Nicoletta, Peter Breuer, Kalpana Kochhar and Skott Roger (2006) “Inflation Targeting and the IMF” IMF Staff Paper, Washington DC, March. Berument, Hakan and Kamuran Malatyali (2000) “The Implicit Reaction Function of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey” Applied Economics Letters, 7:425-430. CBRT (December 2005), “The General Framework of Inflation Targeting Regime and Monetary and Exchange Policy in 2006” available on line at: www.tcmb.gov.tr. Özlale, Ümit and Erinç Yeldan (2004) “Measuring Exchange Rate Mis-alignment in Turkey” Applied Economics, 36: 1839-1849. 2004. Cizre, Ümit and Yeldan, A. Erinç (2005) “The Turkish Encounter with Neo-Liberalism: Economics and Politics in the 2000/2001 Crises” Review of International Political Economy, 12(3): 387-408, August. |
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2001 sonrası Türkiye’de dış denge Türk ekonomisinde cari işlemler açığı sorunu; cari açığın finansmanı; dış kırılganlık ve cari açığın makro ekonomik boyutları |
Yeldan, Erinç (2006) “Neo-Liberal Global Remedies: From Speculative-led Growth to IMF-led Crisis in Turkey” Review of Radical Political Economics, 38(2), pp.193-213, Spring. FESSUD (2015) Turkey Report. |
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2009 Küresel krizi Türkiye’ye yansımaları ve kriz sonrası Türkiye’nin intibak mekanizmaları |
Mishkin, Frederic S. and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel (2001) “One Decade of Inflation Targeting in the World: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?” NBER Working Papers, No 8397, July. (www.nber.org/papers/w8397) Calvo G. and F. Mishkin (2003) “The Mirage of Exchange Rate Regimes for Emerging Market Countries” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17(4): 99-118. Bonizzi Bruno, Annina Kaltenbrunner and Jeff Powell, (2019) “Subordinate Financialization in Emerging Capitalist Economies”, University of Greenwich, Greenwich Papers in Political Economy No GPERC69. Alami Ilias, Carolina Alves, Bruno Bonizzi, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Kai Koddenbrock, Ingrid Kvangraven & Jeff Powell (2022) International financial subordination: a critical research agenda, Review of International Political Economy, in print. DOI:10.1080/09692290.2022.2098359 Gabor, Daniela. 2020. “The Wall Street Consensus.” SocArxiv PapersJuly. Available at: https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/wab8m/ Yeldan, A. Erinç and Ünüvar, Burcu ( |
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2010’lu yıllarda Türkiye ekonomisi, faiz koridaoru, Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet sistemi |
Orhangazi, Ö. and E. Yeldan. 2021. “The re-making of the Turkish Crisis” Development & Change, 52: 460-503. Şenses, Fikret (2012), “Turkey’s experience with neoliberal policies since 1980 in retrospect and prospect”, New Perspectives on Turkey 47: 11-31. Öniş,, Z. (2009), "Beyond the 2001 Financial crisis: The political economy of the new phase of neo-liberal restructuring in Turkey", Review of International Political Economy, 16(3): 409-432. Öniş, Ziya and Güven, Ali Burak (2011), “Global Crisis, National Responses: The Political Economy of Turkish Exceptionalism”, New Political Economy 16(5): 585-608. Öniş, Ziya. “The Triumph of Conservative Globalism: The Political Economy of the AKP Era,” Turkish Studies 13:2 (2012): 135-152. Pamuk, Ş. (2009). “Globalization, Industrialization and Changing Politics in Turkey”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 38. Buğra, A., & Savaşkan, O. (2012). “Politics and Class: The Turkish Business Environment in the Neoliberal Age”, New Perspectives on Turkey, |
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Türkiye ekonomisi ve iklim krizi |
Turkey’s Official INDC, presented at the Paris 2015 COP meetings: https://www4.unfccc.int/sites/submissions/INDC/Published Documents/Turkey/1/The_INDC_of_TURKEY_v.15.19.30.pdf Acar, S. and Yeldan, E. (2018) “Environmental Impacts of Coal Subsidies in Turkey: A General Equilibrium Analysis”, Energy Policy, Volume 90, Pages 1-15. Şahin, Ümit (2016) “Warming A Frozen Policy: Challenges To Turkey’s Climate Politics After Paris”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(2): 117-130. Orhangazi, Özgür & A. Erinç Yeldan (2023) “Turkey: Challenges and Strategies Towards Sustainable Development”, Country Report prepared for the Project, Integrated Policy Strategies and Regional Policy Coordination for Resilient, Green and Transformative Development, UNCTAD, Geneva. Voyvoda, Ebru and A. Erinç Yeldan (2015) Greening Turkish Economy: A General Equilibrium Investigation of Environmental Policies for A Low Carbon Growth Path” Report prepared for the Istanbul Policies Center and World Wild Foundation (WWF-Tur |
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Sonuç ve Değerlendirme |
OECD (2014) Policy Challenges For the Next 50 Years, OECD Pub. Paris. Boratav, K. and Ö. Orhangazi. 2022. “Neoliberal Framework and External Dependency versus Political Priorities, 2009-2020) in E. Özçelik and Y. Özdemir (eds) Political Economy of Development in Turkey. pp. 287-314 Öniş, Z., & Kutlay, M. 2021. The anatomy of Turkey’s new heterodox crisis: the interplay of domestic politics and global dynamics. Turkish Studies, 22(4), 499–529. https://doi.org/10.1080/14683849.2020.1833723 Yeldan, A. Erinç (2022) “Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century: Lopsided Growth and Intensified Social Exclusion” Chapter 2 in V. Rawal, J. Ghosh and CP Chandrasekhar (eds) When Governments Fail? A Pandemic and Its Aftermath, Columbia University Press, February. |