Hafta | Konular | Ön Hazırlık |
1 |
Genel İntibak ve Ders Tanıtımı |
2 |
Modernite-öncesi Diplomasi Tarihi, Wesphalia Anlaşması ve Machiavelli |
3 |
Devrimler, Napolyonik Savaşlar ve Viyana Kongresi - Clausetiz |
- Essentials of International Relations (IV ? Europe in the 19th Century ? Part 1) - War, Peace and International Relations (Chapter 2 and 4) - Clausewitz on War and Politics: http://www.grose.us/academic/clausewitz.html |
4 |
Emperyalizm, Koloniyalizm ve Berlin Kongresi - Birmarck |
- Essentials of International Relations (IV ? Europe in the 19th Century ? Part 2) - War, Peace and International Relations (Chapter 3 and 5) - Bismarckian Alliance System: http://ibatpv.org/projects/germany/2ndreich/bismarckian_alliance_system.htm |
5 |
Film Gösterimi (Waterloo) |
6 |
Kuvvetler dengesi, 1. Dünya Savaşı, Versailles Anlaşması ve Milletler Cemiyeti (Wilson) |
- Essentials of International Relations (IV ? Europe in the 19th Century ? Part 3) - War, Peace and International Relations (Chapter 6 and 7) - Fourteen Points and Wilsonianism: http://usforeignpolicy.about.com/od/alliesenemies/a/The-Fourteen-Points.htm |
7 |
2. Dünya Savaşı, Cenevre Protokolü, Yalta Konferansı (Churchill) |
- Essentials of International Relations (V. The Interwar Years and World War II) - War, Peace and International Relations (Chapter 10 and 11) - Churchill?s Diplomatic Legacy: http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=hist_fac_pubs |
8 |
Vize sınavı |
9 |
Soğuk Savaş - 1: Küresel strateji ve çift kutuplu düzen (Brezhnev) |
- Essentials of International Relations (VI. The Cold War ? Part I) - War, Peace and International Relations (Chapter 14) - Brezhnev Doctrine (Speech): http://www.isn.ethz.ch/Digital-Library/Publications/Detail/?ots591=0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233&lng=en&id=125400 |
10 |
Soğuk Savaş - 2: Nükleer Diplomasi ve Çevreleme Politikası (Kissinger) |
- Essentials of International Relations (VI. The Cold War ? Part II) - War, Peace and International Relations (Chapter 15) - Enduring Power of Henry Kissinger: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/brian-stewart-the-enduring-power-of-henry-kissinger-1.1371500 |
11 |
Yeni Dünya Düzeni ve Amerikan farklılıkçılığı (Huntington) |
- Essentials of International Relations (VII. The Post-Cold War Era ? Part I) - War, Peace and International Relations (Chapter 16) - WATCH ? Huntington interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SNicJRcUqs |
12 |
11 Eylül, küresel terör, Rusya ve Çin`in yükselişi (Chomsky) |
- Essentials of International Relations (VII. The Post-Cold War Era ? Part II) - War, Peace and International Relations (Chapter 17) - WATCH: Noam Chomsky BBC interview ? 2 parts: o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_DPDY4PKqs o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZU6oPnd8OM |
13 |
Dijital Çap, Siber Savaş ve İnternet diplomasisi |
14 |
Film gösterimi: Sum of All Fears |