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Güvenlik Kavramı |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Baldwin, David, “The Concept of Security”, Review of International Studies, 23: 1, 1997. Rothschild, Emma, “What is Security?”, Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 124: 3, 1995. 1. Wolfers, Arnold, “National Security as an Ambigous Symbol”, Political Science Quarterly, 67:4, 1952. |
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Strateji, Güvenlik ve Stratejik Çalışmalar |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Betts, Richard, “Should Strategic Studies Survive?”, World Politics, 50: 1, 1997. Walt, Stephen M., “The Renaissance of Security Studies”, International Studies Quarterly, 35: 2, 1991. 1. Garnett, John C. “Strategic Studies and its Assumptions”, John Baylis vd. (ed.), Contemporary Strategy: Theories and Concepts Vol. 1 (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1987). |
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Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Güvenlik Çalışmaları |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Smith, Steve, “The Increasing Insecurity of Security Studies: Conceptualizing Security in the Last Twenty Years”, Contemporary Security Policy, 20: 3, 1999. Baldwin, David, “Security Studies and the End of the Cold War”, World Politics, 48: 1, 1995. Mearsheimer, John M., “Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War”, International Security, 15: 1, 1990. E |
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Yeni Güvenlik Çalışmaları-I: Eleştirel, Post-Yapısal ve Feminist Güvenlik Çalışmaları |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Booth, Ken, “Security and Emancipation”, Review of International Studies, 17: 4, 1991. Tickner, Ann, “Feminist Perpsectives on 9/11”, International Studies Perspectives, 3: 4, 2002. |
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Yeni Güvenlik Çalışmaları-II: Kopenhag Okulu ve Güvenlikleştirme |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Stritzel, Holger, “Towards a Theory of Securitization: Copenhagen and Beyond”, European Journal of International Relations, 13: 3, 2007. Emmers, Ralf, “Securitization”, Alan Collins (ed.) Contemporary Security Studies, 3rd Edition, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). |
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Büyük Güçler ve Güvenlik: ABD, Rusya ve Çin Örnekleri |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Bisley, Nick, “China's Rise and the Making of East Asia's Security Architecture”, Journal of Contemporary China, 21: 73, 2012. Igumnova, Lyudmila, “Russia’s Strategic Culture Between American and European Worldviews”, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 24, 2011. Homolar, Alexandra, “How to Last Alone at the Top:US Strategic Planning for the Unipolar Era”, The Journal of |
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Uluslararası Örgütler ve Güvenlik: NATO, BM ve AB Örnekleri |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Barnathan, Galia Press, “Managing the Hegemon: NATO under Unipolarity”, Security Studies, 15:2, 2006. Posen, Barry, “European Union Security and Defense Policy: a Response to Unipolarity”, Security Studies, 15: 2, 2006. Hurd, Ian, “Legitimacy, Power and the Symbolic Life of the UN Security Council”, Global Governance, 8, 2002. |
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Türkiye’nin Güvenlik Anlayışı |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Karaosmanoğlu, Ali, “The Evolution of the National Security Culture and the Military in Turkey”, Journal of International Affairs, 54:1, 2000. Özcan, Gencer, “The Changing Role of Military in Foreign Policy Making”, UNISCI Discussion Papers, 23, 2010. Bilgin, Pınar, “Making Turkey's Transformation Possible: Claiming 'Security-speak' - not Desecuritization!”, Journal of Sout |
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Güvenliğin Boyutları |
Poster Sunumları |
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Güvenlik Aktörleri |
Poster Sunumları |
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Güncel Güvenlik Konuları |
Poster Sunumları |
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Poster Sunumları |
Zorunlu Okumalar: Wæver, Ole and Buzan, Barry, “After the Return to Theory: The Past, Present, and Future of Security Studies”, Alan Collins (ed.), Contemporary Security Studies, 3rd Edition, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). Croft, Stuart, “What Future for Security Studies?” PaulD. Williams (ed.), Security Studies: An Introduction, 2nd Edition, (Oxon: Routledge, 2008). |
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Güvenlik Çalışmalarının Geleceği |
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