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Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramlarında Güncel Tartışmalar IR 612 Bahar 03+00+00 Seçmeli 3 7.5
Akademik Birim: Uluslararası İlişkiler
Öğrenim Türü: Örgün Eğitim
Ön Koşullar Yok
Öğrenim Dili: İngilizce
Dersin Düzeyi: Doktora
Dersin Koordinatörü: Mustafa Aydın
Dersi Veren(ler): Mustafa Aydın
Dersin Amacı: Bu, Doktora seviyesi bir uluslararası ilişkiler dersidir. Ders, tarihsel ve çok paradigmalı yaklaşım sergileyerek, öğrencilere, Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorisini oluşturan unsurlara daha detaylı ve derinlemesine vakıf olma imkanı verecektir. Her ne kadar her hafta farklı yaklaşımlar ve paradigmalar anlatılsa da, bu yaklaşımlar arasındaki tartışmalar da haftalık ödev ve çalışmalara entegre edilecektir. Son olarak ders, bilginin nasıl üretildiği konusunda epistemolojik yaklaşımları da tartışacaktır.
Dersin İçeriği: Uluslararası İlişkilerde (Uİ) epistemoloji ve ontoloji, Uİ teorilerinin felsefi altyapısı, realizm, neorealizm, liberalizm, neoliberal kurumsalcılık, Marksizm ve kritik teoriler, İngiliz Okulu, yapısalcılık, post-yapısalcılık, feminizm, post-koloniyalizm.
Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları (ÖÇ):
  • 1- Öğrencilerin Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplininin ontolojik ve metodolojik yaklaşımlarını karşılaştırmalı olarak kavramsallaştırması
  • 2- Uluslararası İlişkilerin kuramsal, ampirik ve kritik yaklaşımlarını ileri seviyede tartışabilme
  • 3- Disiplinin temel teorilerinin hipotezleri, ana argümanları ve ampirik eksenini tartışabilme
Dersin Öğrenme Yöntem ve Teknikleri İki saatlik ana ders, bir saat sınıf tartışması ile devam eder. Öğrenciler derse gelmeden önce gerekli okumaları yapmak zorundadır. Ayrıca her hafta öğrenciler, kısa bir kritik yazı yazarak o haftanın okumalarına cevap verir.


HaftaKonularÖn Hazırlık
1 Why Theory? What Theory? Steve Smith (2007), ‘Introduction: Diversity and Disciplinarity in IR Theory’, in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki and Steve Smith (eds.) International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity, (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 1-13 [henceforth: Dunne et al.] Milija Kurki and Colin Wight (2007), ‘International Relations and Social Science’, in Dunne et al., 14-35
2 Why Theory? What Theory? (cont.) Steve Smith (2007), ‘Introduction: Diversity and Disciplinarity in IR Theory’, in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki and Steve Smith (eds.) International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity, (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 1-13 [henceforth: Dunne et al.] Milija Kurki and Colin Wight (2007), ‘International Relations and Social Science’, in Dunne et al., 14-35
3 Political Realism Morgenthau, Hans (1948) Politics Among Nations (New York: Knopf), ch. 1-2 Mearsheimer, John J. Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: W. W. Norton, 2001): 1-54. Wagner, R. Harrison. “What Was Bipolarity?,” International Organization, Vol. 47, No. 1 (Winter 1993): 77–106 Lake, David. “Anarchy, Hierarchy, and the Variety Of International Relations,” International Organization Vol. 50, No. 1 (Win
4 Political Realism (cont.) Lebow, Richard Ned “The Long Peace, the End of the Cold War, and the Failure of Realism”, International Organization, 48, 2, (Sping) 1994, σελ. 249-277 Wohlforth, William, ‘Realism and the End of the Cold War’, International Security, 19, Winter 1994/95, σελ. 91-129 Ashley, Richard, “The Poverty of Neo-realism”, International Organization, 38(2), Spring 1984, σελ. 225-86. Gilpin, Robert (1988) “Th
5 Liberalism Panke, Diana and Thomas Risse (2007) “Liberalism,” in Dunne et al., ch. 5. Doyle, Michael (1986) “Liberalism and World Politics,” American Political Science Review, 80(4): 1151-1169. Deudney, Daniel and G. John Ikenberry (1999) “The Nature and Sources of Liberal International Order,” Review of International Studies, 25(2): 179-196. Keohane, Robert O. After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the
6 Liberalism (cont.) Jervis, Robert. “Cooperation under the Security Dilemma,” World Politics, Vol. 30, No. 2 (January 1978): 167-214 Owen, John M. “How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace,” International Security, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Autumn 1994): 87-125 Layne, Christopher. “Kant or Cant: The Myth of the Democratic Peace,” International Security Vol. 19, No. 2 (Autumn 1994): 5- 49 Martin, Lisa L. (2007) “Neoliberalism,”
7 Marxism Rupert, Mark (2007) “Marxism and Critical Theory,” in Dunne et al., ch. 8. Rosenberg, Justin (1994) “The Empire of Civil Society,” in The Empire of Civil Society: A Critique of the Realist Theory of International Relations, London: Verso, ch. 5. Hoffman, Mark, ‘Critical Theory and the Inter-paradigm Debate’, Millenium: Journal of International Studies, 16(2), 1987, σελ. 231-49
8 Critical Theories Cox, Robert (1981) “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 10(2): 126-155. Linklater, Andrew (1992) “The Question of the Next Stage in International Relations Theory: A Critical-Theoretical Point of View,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 21(1): 77-98. George, Jim and Campbell, David, ‘Patterns of D
9 Constructivism Wendt, Alexander (1992) “Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics,” International Organization, 46(2): 391-425. Ruggie, John Gerard (1998) “What Makes the World Hang Together? Neo-utilitarianism and the Social Constructivist Challenge,” International Organization, 52(4): 855-885. Ted Hopf (1998) “The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory”,
10 The English School Dunne, Tim (2007) “The English School,” in Dunne et al. (eds.), ch. 7. Bull, Hedley (1966) “Society and Anarchy in International Relations,” in Herbert Butterfield and Martin Wight (eds.) Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory of International Relations, London: Allen and Unwin, ch. 2. Bull, Hedley, ‘International Theory: The case for a Classical Approach’, World Politics, 18(3), 1966, σε
11 Poststructuralism Campbell, David (2007) “Poststructuralism,” in Dunne et al., ch. 11. Gregory, Donna U. (1989) “Foreword,” in James Der Derian and Michael Shapiro (eds.), International/Intertextual Relations: Postmodern Readings of World Politics, New York: Lexington Books, pp. xiii-xxi. Der Derian, James (1989) The Boundaries of Knowledge and Power in International Relations,” in James Der Derian and Michael Shap
12 Feminism Tickner, J. Ann and Laura Sjoberg (2007) “Feminism,” in Dunne et al., ch. 10. Cohn, Carol (1987) “Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 12 (4): 687-718. Enloe, Cynthia (1989) Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics, Berkeley: University of California Press, chs. 1 and 9. Tickner, J. Ann (19
13 Postcolonialism Grovogui, Siba N. (2007) “Postcolonialism,” in Dunne et al., ch. 12. Said, Edward W. (1978), “Introduction,” in Orientalism, New York: Vintage Books, pp. 1-28. Sanjay Seth (2011) “Postcolonial Theory and Critique of International Relations”, Millennium, 40(1): 167-183. Chowdhry, Geeta and Sheila Nair (2002) “Introduction: Power in a Postcolonial World: Race, Gender, and Class in International Rela
14 IR Theory and Globalization Hay, Colin (2007) “International Relations Theory and Globalization”, in Dunne et al., ch. 14. Rosenberg, Justin (2005) “Globalization Theory: A Post Mortem”, International Politics, 42: 2-74 Rosenberg, Justin (2007) “International Relations – The ‘Higher Bullshit’: A Reply to the Globalization Theory Debate”, International Politics, 44: 450-82


Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki and Steve Smith (eds.) (2007) International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity, (Oxford: Oxford University Press). [henceforth: Dunne et al.]



Yarıyıl İçi ÇalışmalarıSayıKatkı Payı (%)
Katılım 14 20
Uygulama 14 -
Ödev 3 45
Diğer Uygulamalar (seminer, stüdyo kritiği, workshop vb.) 14 -
Final Sınavı 1 35
Total: 46 100


EtkinliklerSayısıSüresi (saat)Toplam İş Yükü (saat)
Ders Saati14342
Dersle İlgili Sınıf Dışı Etkinlikler148112
Final Sınavı115.515.5
Toplam İş Yükü (saat):187.5


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